Kellogg’s Cereal Continue To Lose Sales

Pre-reading questions:

  1. What do you think about cereals for breakfast?
  2. What do you usually eat every morning?

Kellogg’s faces loss in sales for the seventh time based on their reports for the third quarter of 2016. Recently, the cereal manufacturer’s net sales plunked to 2.3%. They blame it to the slumping demand for cereals in the US and struggling market in the UK.

Dr. Dimitrios Tsivrikos, a business psychologist at University College London, said people’s breakfast habits were changing. He explained a lot of individuals only spend five or six minutes
on breakfast and are looking for quicker solutions. He also mentioned the younger population will replace cereal with smoothies, fresh fruit, and yogurt.
plunk – [verb] to drop abruptly
blame – [verb] to place responsibility for
individual – [noun] intended or designed for one person
smoothies – [noun] a creamy beverage made of fruit blended with juice, milk, or yogurt
slump – [verb] to decrease suddenly and by a large amount
Comprehension Questions:

  1. What does the company Kelloggs’ manufactures?
  2. What does the company faces recently?
  3. What did the business psychologist say about people’s breakfast habits?
  4. How many minutes does an individual spend on breakfast?
  5. What will the younger population replace cereals with?

Express Your Opinion:

  1. Imagine that you love cereals for breakfast, and suddenly it will be out in the market. Describe what you would feel about the dreadful news.
  2. It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do you agree on this?
  3. Aside from the food mentioned in the article, give more examples of food that can replace cereals.