Lab grown stem cells are developed

Mouse eggs are fertiled to produce offspring in the lab. This experiment is done by Japanese scientists. They have said that the experiment might be too risky and contentious if this will be done in human reproduction. Good thing about this experiment is that it may be useful to treat infertility but the process is going to be complicated. Embryos will turn to be normal but it’ll be fewer than expected. Lab-grown eggs will possibly have abnormalities. Stem cells that fertilized in the lab as well were grown into mature eggs. The data gathered interest not just the scientists but also the clinical interests to patients who lacks eggs on their own.

There were major limitations to this research though Japanese scientist are congratulated on their remarkable achievement. The possible result is not only a high risk of abnormalities, scientists had to perform and add a cell, which can be acquired from an embryo, to the petri dish during the process of the egg maturation. This will bring out a moral problem to human reproductive science. Embryos that were not developed normally needs to be studied further. The final test would be fertilization using IVF, which is still not morally allowed.
offspring – child
contentious – controversial
complicated – difficult
remarkable – impressive
limitations – restrictions
True or False:

  1. The treatment is not useful to treat infertility.
  2. Embryos will turn to be abnormal but it’ll be more than expected.
  3. Stem cells that fertilized in the lab as well were grown into mature eggs.
  4. There were major limitations to this research.
  5. Embryos that were not developed normally means a success to the experiment.

Defend your argument:

  1. This experiment has a convincing evidence. Agree? Disagree? Why?
  2. “There a long way to go before these methods could be adapted and use to humans”. What do you think about this statement?
  3. “The experiment should be first tested to different animals before humans”. Do you think this is a good idea?

Express your opinion:

  1. Do you think humans are willing to embrace this experiment?
  2. If applied to humans, do you think this would have importance in overcoming female infertility?
  3. If a person really needs to apply the experiment, do you think it is just to think of the morality of the deed?