Lowest bus service in Tokyo and Narita

Finding the cheapest transport to get to Tokyo from Narita is a worthy quest since Narita airport is not in the middle of Tokyo. The transport service to and from Tokyo is indeed pricey. However, an economical transport connecting Narita International Airport and Osaki station in Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo was launched last Monday.

The leading-edge for transport is now available for as low as ¥1,000 to ¥1,200. The Access Narita is the cheapest bus preference as of the moment. The said company claimed that their services is the most fitting transport service due to its features and amenities. Thus people anticipate that lowering the transport service fee will ease access to the airport from Tokyo’s waterfront area and Kanagawa Prefecture. The following rail lines use Osaki station: the Yamanote Line, the Shonan-Shinjuku Line, the Saikyo Line, and the Rinkai Line.

quest – [noun] search, adventure
pricey – [adjective] expensive
economical – [adjective] money-saving
leading-edge – [ adjective] new
amenities – [noun] facility

True or False:

  1. The transport service to and from Tokyo is indeed cheap.
  2. A high-class transport connecting Narita International Airport and Osaki station in Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo was launched last Monday.
  3. The leading-edge for transport is not yet available.
  4. The Access Narita is the most expensive bus preference as of the moment.
  5. Thus people anticipate that lowering the transport service fee will enhance access to the airport from Tokyo’s waterfront area and Kanagawa Prefecture.

Defend your argument:

  1. “Finding the cheapest transport to to Tokyo get from Narita is a worthy quest .”
  2. “ Narita Airport is not in the middle of Tokyo. ”
  3. “The transport service to and from Tokyo is indeed pricey.”
  4. “The Access Narita is the cheapest bus preference as of the moment.”
  5. “The Access Narita claimed that their services is the most fitting transport service due to its features and amenities.”

Express your opinion:

  1. In Japan, public transportation is more efficient than private cars.
  2. There is massive competition for bus business on the routes to Tokyo and other popular routes.
  3. Japan Bus Pass is the best discount offer for rock bottom fares to any locations across the nation.