US Inmates Uses Instant Ramen as Currency

Pre-reading questions:

  1. How do you call your money/currency?
  2. Do you think eating instant foods is nutritious? Why or Why not?

Today, US inmates uses ramen as their money. In some prisons, meals are only served 2 times a day beacuse of budget shortage. This is the main reason why they use instant ramen as their money. Instant ramen has a high value in prisons so they are using it in exchange for sweatshirts, thermal underwear, fresh vegetables, or cigarettes. Other forms of money that they use are postage stamps, preserved mackerel, and instant coffee.

inmate – 収容者 [noun] a person who is confined in a prison, hospital, etc
shortage – 不足 [noun] lack of something
exchange – 交換する [verb] to replace
thermal – 防寒 [noun] use of heat or temperature
preserved – 維持 [noun] retain (a condition or state of affairs)

True or False:

  1. Inmates use instant ramen in exchange for other things.
  2. They serve meals in prison thrice a day.
  3. Inmates use different forms of money.
  4. Prisons in the US has budget shortage.