The traffic confinement will be a massive help in retaining the Halloween party. Thus, opening up some routes could boost the people who sneak into felony. The Metropolitan Police Department will provide two routes in the vicinity for pedestrians. However, the routes will only be available from Friday until Monday.
The two routes are liable to conveyance confinement including the Shibuya scramble crossing. The Shibuya scramble crossing will not be available to conveyance due to its high volume of traffic. However, by seizing vehicular traffic, pedestrians will enjoy the event more. In addition to that, another big Halloween dilemma is the tons of trash left in parades, yet everyone’s hoping that it will remain as exciting as it is now. The officials are also encouraging everyone to be on their best behavior to prevent damaging publishments after Halloween.
confinement – the act of keeping something within specified bounds
retaining – hold back, secure
felony – a serious crime
conveyance – something that serves as a means of transportation
dilemma – mental confusion, problem
True or False:
- The Metropolitan Police District will provide two routes in the vicinity for pedestrians.
- The routes will only be available from Sunday until Monday.
- The Shibuya scramble crossing will be available to conveyance due to its high volume of traffic.
- Another big Halloween dilemma is the tons of trash left in the parades.
- The officials are also encouraging everyone to be on their best behavior to get good publishments after Halloween.
Defend your argument:
- “The traffic confinement will be a massive help in the Halloween party.”
- “Opening up some routes could boost the people who sneak into felony.”
- “By seizing vehicular traffic, pedestrians will enjoy the event more.”
- “Another big Halloween dilemma has been the tons of trash left in the parades.”
- “Be on their best behavior to prevent damaging publishments after Halloween.”
Express your opinion:
- Crowd control instead of traffic confinement
- Littering in public event is a punishable offense.
- Party-goers who misbehaved all night