Airport Wi-Fi

Pre-reading questions:

  1. Can you bear waiting in a place where there is no Wi-Fi?
  2. Have you experienced traveling by plane? How was it?
  3. What do you usually do when there is no Wi-Fi in your area?

Rotten Wi-Fi, the public Wi-Fi watchdog, reveals the Top 20 airports worldwide for best Wi-Fi connection in 2016. Wi-Fi speed and quality have been assessed in two hundred twenty-six airports worldwide. Airports from the USA and Thailand lead the list, with at least six airports listed in the Top 20.

Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, USA leads the list with average download speed of 42.17 Mbps. Next is Lennart Meri Tallinn, Estonia with 38.30 Mbps. In terms of customer satisfaction, Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport, USA and Changi International Airport, Singapore lead the list with a rating of 9/10. Arturas Jonkus, CEO of TelcoQ, the mother company of Rotten Wi-Fi said that high speed Wi-Fi access should be offered by airports to keep customers relaxed throughout their travel.
watchdog- one that guards against undesirable practices
assess- evaluate
lead- the first; ahead
satisfaction- contentment
mother company- holding company
Comprehension Questions:

  1. How many airports have been assessed for Wi-Fi speed and quality?
  2. Why did Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport led the list?
  3. What is the average download speed of Lennart Meri Tallinn, Estonia?
  4. What are the names of the airports that received a 9/10 customer satsifaction rating?
  5. Why should high-speed Wi-Fi access be offered in airports?

Express Your Opinion:

  1. Aside from airports, can you think of other estasblishments that need high-speed Wi-Fi? Why?
  2. What do you do to keep yourself relaxed during your travel? Why?
  3. Why is a “watchdog” important?