Japan broadcasters to air in advanced TV formats

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  1. Do you watch TV every day?
  2. What are your favorite TV programs?
  3. What are your favorite channels?

People are expecting high for the next TV formats. 4K and 8K resolutions are expected. Companies are testing on broadcast satellite channels. New formats display clearer images. TV companies are hoping that many people will want high resolutions for TV broadcasts.
resolution – [noun] the ability of the device to show an image clearly with a lot of detail
satellite – [noun] a machine that is sent into space and that moves around the earth, moon, sun, or a planet
HD – [noun] high definition, a television having a very clear picture and a wide screen
broadcast – [noun] made public by radio or television
compare – [verb] to represent as similar
True or False:

  1. Expectations are high for next generation TV broadcasting formats.
  2. 4K and 8K resolutions are not expected.
  3. Some companies are starting to tests on broadcast cable channels.
  4. New formats are displayed with much clearer images compared to the HD format.
  5. TV companies are not hoping that many people will want high resolutions for TV broadcasts.