Panda twins in Atlanta zoo get names

Pre-reading questions:

  1. How often do you visit the zoo?
  2. What is your favorite zoo animal?
  3. Where is the nearest zoo in your place?

ZOO ATLANTA – The newest super stars in the said zoo gained their names last Monday, December 12, 2016 . A naming ceremony for the cubs revealed that they would be called Ya Lun and Xi Lun. Ya means “elegant” and Xi means “happy” while Lun is derived from their mother, Lun Lun.
Their names were decided thru public votes from seven pairs of names prepared by the zoo’s panda conservation partners in China.

Marking their 100 days, CEO Raymond King expresses high hopes for these species. Although the International Union for the Conservation of Nature declared that pandas are no longer endangered, they still count on conservation programs. They became threatened as a result of deforestation and other human activities. Ya Lun and Xi Lun are the 2nd set of twins that are born in Zoo Atlanta. The duo did not attend the naming ceremony since they’re still learning to walk. They will make their first public appearance on January 2017.
derived – formed or developed from something else
conservation – the preservation and careful management of the environment and of natural resources
declared – openly or formally announced
deforestation – the removal of trees
Comprehension Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of the names given to the twins: Ya Lun and Xi Lun?
  2. How did the twins gain their names?
  3. Who is the CEO of Zoo Atlanta?
  4. Why do pandas became endangered?
  5. When will the panda twins make their debut?

Express Your Opinion:

  1. It is nice to have a panda as your pet at home.
  2. Japanese goverment has a different program for animal welfare.
  3. Taking animals to the zoo is a form of cruelty.