New NTT West Corp. job interview program

Pre-reading questions:

  1. Have you ever attended to a job interview?
  2. Are job interviews important? Why?

The NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone) West Corp. made a program at Kansai University. The program examined students’ practice job interviews. Kansai University worked on their first interviews with 17 students last August and September. The results shows that the interviewers like students who answered smoothly. But for unexpected questions, the interviewers gave higher score to students who answered with smiles.
examine – [verb] test
pulse – [noun] beat
interviewee – [noun] one who is interviewed; respondent
interviwer – [noun] one who asked questions
unexpected – [adjective] sudden
True or False:

  1. The NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone) West Corp. made a program at Tokyo University.
  2. 71 students experienced the interviews last August and September.
  3. The interviewers like students who answered properly.
  4. The interviewers gave higher score to students who answered with a complete details.
  5. The program was made by Globe West Corp.