How insomnia impacts the body

Pre-reading questions:

  1. Sleeping is a hobby. Do you agree?
  2. Sleeping for longer hours is healthy. Do you agree?

A study shows that most people are now only sleeping between five to seven hours a day. Anxiety and stress caused by insomnia are the factors why people lack sleep. People who only sleep for five hours a day get angry easily and eat more than usual. They tend to look older than their age. They also experience slow thinking. They drink more coffee all through the day.
anxiety [noun] – fear or nervousness about what might happen
stress [noun] – mental tension and worry caused by problems in life, work, etc.
insomnia [noun] – the condition of not being able to sleep
lack [verb] – to not have enough of
usual [adjective] – normal or regular
True or False:

  1. A study shows that most people are now only jogging between five to seven hours a day.
  2. Anxiety and stress caused by insomnia are the factors why people lack sleep.
  3. People who only sleep for eight hours a day get angry easily and eat less food than usual.
  4. They drink more coffee all through the day.
  5. They tend to look older than their parents.