How insomnia impacts the body

A recent study show that as stress and anxiety levels increase, it has become more challenging to hit the sack for eight hours, as doctors recommend. Majority of people are now sleeping for five to seven hours; most of them are battling with chronic insomnia almost every night. Adding the work-related stress, there will be impressions on the body. One clear evidence of it is how a person looks so haggard even when the day is still young. Those bags under the eyes won’t tell a lie, either.

The brain is the most affected organ in the body when someone’s missing out a shut-eye. Sleep-deprived individuals have slower cognitive functions; thus, they lack concentration and focus. Their anxiety levels are elevated, that they sometimes get angry easily for no apparent reason at all. To avert impulses to take a nap, they will crave for more carbs and caffeine than the norm. They will end up as either sleepyheads or hyperactive all throughout the day.
hit the sack – to get into bed
chronic – continuing or occurring again and again for a long time
haggard – having a tired look
crave – to have an earnest wish to own or enjoy
avert – to keep from happening
True or False:

  1. Doctors recommend eight hours of sleep a day.
  2. Most people nowadays are sleeping for only five to nine hours at night.
  3. Sleep deprivation leaves impressions in the body.
  4. The brain is the most affected organ in the body when people do not lack sleep.
  5. Sleep deprived people eat more carbs and drink more caffeine.

Express your opinion:

  1. What do you think most people usually do before going to sleep?
  2. Do you enjoy some type of noise when falling asleep or do you prefer silence?
  3. Have you experienced sleeping while commuting?
  4. Do children in your country still use night lights?
  5. What would you do if you find yourself sleepless and you have still have to work for the day?

Defend your argument:

  1. Drinking milk can help anyone fall asleep.
  2. Sleeping for shorter or longer hours is dangerous.
  3. “Not being able to sleep is terrible. You have the misery of having partied all night… without the satisfaction.” – Lynn Johnston