Japan’s move to end ‘death by overwork’ will drag economic growth: Deutsche Bank

Pre-reading questions:

  1. What do you do to relax?
  2. How long do you work/study everyday?

Most Japanese workers are known to work overtime. Working overtime can cause stress which can possibly cause death. To prevent deaths caused by stress, the government wants companies to cut overtime work. However, cutting overtime work will be the same with cutting sales. Cutting sales will affect the economy.
economy [noun] – management of money
affect [verb] – impact
overtime [noun] – additional work beyond regular time
stress [noun] – pressure
prevent [verb] – avoid
True or False:

  1. Most Japanese workers are known to work overtime.
  2. Stress can possibly cause death.
  3. The government wants companies to cut overtime work to prevent deaths caused by stress.
  4. Cutting overtime work will be the same with adding sales.
  5. Cutting sales will not affect the economy.