Working mothers receive support from companies

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made increasing the participation of women in the workforce a crucial component in his comprehensive economic growth plan. Backed by several researches, womenomics could increase the gross domestic product of Japan and help address the country’s declining labor force. Despite the policy change, a lot of critics think that womenomics’ benefits cannot be realized without concrete transformation in work culture and attitude towards working mothers in companies.

Acknowledging the potential benefits of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s womenomics, several companies have started giving more support to working mothers. For example, one company has asked its working fathers who take parental leaves to share stories on how they spent their leaves. This is the company’s way of encouraging all working fathers of the company to use their parental leaves more. How does this move benefit working mothers? If more working fathers and working mothers share child-rearing roles, the latter would have enough time and motivation to pursue their careers and eventually take on more important roles in companies.

crucial [adjective] – important; high-priority; critical
comprehensive [adjective] – complete and including everything that is necessary
gross domestic product [noun] – the total value of goods and services produced by a country in one year
realize [verb] – to cause to happen
concrete [adjective] – clear and certain; real
child-rearing [noun] – the process of bringing up a child or children

True or False:

  1. The participation of women in the workforce is a very important component in Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s economic growth plan.
  2. According to research, womenomics could decrease the country’s gross domestic product.
  3. Many critics think that womenomics’ benefits could be realized even without changing work culture.
  4. Several companies have started giving more support to working mothers.
  5. According to the article, if more working fathers and working mothers share child-rearing roles, working mothers would have less time to pursue their careers.

Express your opinion:

  1. Mothers should spend most of their time taking care of their children.
  2. There are things only fathers can teach their children.
  3. It is more difficult to be a working father than to be a working mother.

Defend your argument:

  1. The government is very supportive of working mothers.
  2. Most companies here are very supportive of working parents.
  3. Anyone can be a good mother and still follow her dreams.
  4. It is healthy for children to see their moms working.
  5. Working mothers can make great leaders.