Disney tickets get more expensive

The ticket price for “The Happiest Place on Earth” will have a price bump, the management reported recently. Single-day ticket in Anaheim, California will now be at $97, $110 or $124 from $95, $105 or $119. The annual Deluxe pass will also go sky-high. Even Disney World in Florida will experience the same price boost on their single-day, annual, and platinum passes, although the all-year premium passport will not bulge. Ticket pricing is now divided into three periods: Value – the cheaper ones, Regular and Peak – the costly ones.

The Disney management has emailed a statement saying that the price increase is to control overcrowding during peak seasons, but still ensures a great value for their customers. People can still experience a whole day entertainment in all of the theme parks. Management has declared that every extra cash the US parks could get will be poured into their sole European theme park in Paris. Disneyland Paris has suffered with incredible debts in the past few years. Recent CEO Bob Iger is willing to extend his service even after his expected 2018 retirement.
price bump – an increase in price
sky-high – high in cost or value
bulge – a sudden increase
insure – to make sure
sole – only or single
peak season – time of the year during which demand is highest
True or False:

  1. Disneyland is also known as “The Happiest Place on Earth.”
  2. Prices are now $97, $110 or $124 from $95, $105 or $119 in Disneyland in Anaheim.
  3. The all-year premium passport will also be affected by the price increase.
  4. The Disney management has said in a press conference that the price increase is to control overcrowding during peak seasons, but still ensures a great value for their customers.
  5. The extra cash that the US parks can get will be poured into Disneyland Philippines.

Express your opinion:

  1. The price increase is to support one of their theme parks that is struggling with debts in recent years.
  2. Disneyland Paris is the only Disney theme park in Europe, and has to come up with more exciting ideas to attract visitors again.
  3. The new prices are expensive, but worth it.

Defend your argument:

  1. Attractions in Disney theme parks are all amazing.
  2. There will be people who will get disappointed with the sudden price hike.
  3. Share your thoughts about this quote: “Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.” – Walt Disney