Donald Trump’s inauguration as US president

Pre-reading questions:

  1. How is the inauguration ceremony for the newly elected leader of your country held?
  2. How do you think President Donald Trump’s presidency will affect the rest of the world?

Last January 20, President-elect Donald Trump took his oath of office and was confirmed as the 45th president of United States of America. It was held at the United States Capitol Building. The administrator of the oath-taking ceremony was Chief Justice John Roberts of the US Supreme Court. In his inaugural speech, President Donald Trump vowed to make America great again.

President Obama was present during the inauguration ceremony. President Trump went to the customary Congressional luncheon and partook in the inaugural parade. The next morning, President Trump took a stroll in his new residence towards the West Wing to take care of his obligations as the new president of the United States.

oath – a solemn promise
inaugural address – a speech given during this ceremony which informs the people of his or her intentions as a leader
luncheon – lunch ; a midday meal
partake – join in (an activity)
residence – a place where you live

Comprehension Questions:

  1. President-elect Donald Trump will be having his inauguration on June 20.
  2. The outgoing president wasn’t around during President Trump’s inauguration.
  3. The administrator of the inauguration ceremony was a hired events coordinator.
  4. President Trump went on a vacation the morning after his inauguration ceremony.
  5. President Trump snubbed the inaugural parade.

Express Your Opinion:

  1. If you wake up one day as the prime minister of your country, what will be your first official task/project? Discuss.
  2. Who for you is the best prime minister in the history of Japan? Discuss.
  3. If you were given the chance to talk to your country’s prime minister, what would you tell/ask him? Explain.