Pre-reading questions:
- Do you like sweets?
- What is the most popular dessert in your country?
Turrón is a popular Spanish dessert made from honey, sugar and nuts. The best turrón is at the Convent of Hermanas Clarisas. Twenty-two nuns make several kinds of turrón at the convent. The most popular turróns of the convent are Turrón de Trufa, made with chocolate beans; and, Turrón de Yema Tostada, a soft turrón made from egg yolk mixed with ground almonds and sugar, and burned on top with a special iron. For the nuns at the Convent of Hermanas Clarisas, their work is a gift.
dessert [noun] – sweet food eaten at the end of a meal
convent [noun] – a house or school for nuns
nun [noun] – a woman belonging to a religious group
several [determiner & pronoun]- some; more than two but not many
True or False:
- Turrón is a popular Spanish dessert made from honey, sugar and nuts.
- Two nuns make several kinds of turrón at the convent.
- Turrón de Trufa is made with chocolate beans.
- The best chocolate is at the Convent of Hermanas Clarisas.
- Turrón de Yema Tostada is burned on top with a special iron.