
Pre-reading questions:

  1. Do you think eating dessert is healthy?
  2. Does eating sweets make you feel good?
  3. In a meal, would you rather miss the appetizer, main course or dessert? Explain.

Turrón is a famous Spanish nougat, which is typically made from honey, sugar, and nuts. Turrón’s origins can be traced back to the Moors. When the Moors invaded Spain in the Middle Ages, they not only influenced the architecture and language of their colony but their culinary heritage as well. Today, the best turrón in Spain can be found in the Convent of Hermanas Clarisas.

Each nun in the convent is assigned a specific task that is crucial to making the famous Spanish nougat. It is important for the work of the nuns to be unified and harmonious. The nuns also make sure to use high quality ingredients in making turrón. They follow the traditional recipe, but they sometimes add or change something to create other variants of the traditional turrón.

nougat – a hard chewy white or pink sweet food, usually containing nuts
trace something (back) to something – to discover the origin of something or how it developed
Moor – a member of the group of Muslim people from North Africa who ruled Spain from 711 to 1492
colony – a country or area controlled politically by a more powerful country that is often far away
culinary heritage – food or cooking culture
variant – something that is slightly different from other similar things

Comprehension Questions:

  1. New York cheesecake is a famous Spanish dessert.
  2. The best Spanish dessert can be found in local supermarkets.
  3. Turrón is really originally from Spain.
  4. The nuns use any ingredients they can find to make a perfect turrón.
  5. There are no other variants of turrón because the nuns stick to the traditional recipe.

Express Your Opinion:

  1. Should dessert be considered a junk food? Discuss.
  2. Talk about a traditional dessert from your hometown.
  3. Why do you think women like dessert more than men?