England teacher shortages continue to rise

England, a country that is part of the United Kingdom, is experiencing a growing scarcity of teachers. Many teachers already left their jobs and a lot more are set to resign soon. There will be 500,000 to 3.3 million students expected to go to school and sufficient teachers are in need in the classroom. Teachers in key subjects such as Math and Science are urgently needed as the number of students is increasing.

Unmanageable workloads is one of the factors why teachers leave their profession. The government, on the other hand, has no concrete and long-term plan to address the issue. According to Malcolm Trobe, interim general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, dramatic cuts seen to school funding also needs to be addressed.

scarcity – lack in supply
urgently – requiring immediate action or attention
sufficient – enough
plummeted – decrease rapidly in value or amount
unmanageable – difficult or impossible to manage, manipulate, or control.
concrete – actual; real; tangible

True or False:

  1. Lack of students is one of the factors why teachers leave their profession.
  2. There will be 500 to 3,000 students expected to go to school and sufficient teachers are in need in the classroom.
  3. Teachers in key subjects such as Arts and Science are urgently needed as the number of students is increasing.
  4. The government already has a concrete and long-term plan to address the issue.
  5. According to the interim general secretary, dramatic cuts seen to school funding also needs to be addressed.

Express your opinion:

  1. Without teachers, there would be no other professions.
  2. Teaching is a noble profession.
  3. Math and Science are the most important subjects.

Defend your argument:

  1. Medical doctors play an important role than teachers.
  2. Students can learn without teachers.
  3. The success of the country greatly depends on its teachers.