Emma Watson says her sexy photo doesn’t betray her feminist ideals

Feminism is defined as the advocacy of fighting for equality of the sexes and protecting women’s rights. British actress Emma Watson is a famous stalwart feminist. In 2014, she was appointed United Nations Women Goodwill Ambassador. She also spearheaded the HeForShe campaign. This campaign encourages men to be champions of feminism. Emma Watson’s feminist ideologies have been publicly questioned following the release of her risqué Vanity Fair magazine photo.

Many critics were quick to judge Emma Watson and brand her deceitful after the release of her revealing Vanity Fair photo. The issue surprised Emma Watson. She defended herself saying that the uproar must come from a common misconception of what feminism is all about. It is not something women should use against other women. It is about freedom and equality. Her sexy photo does not, in any way, diminish her feminist ideals.

advocacy – public support of an idea, plan, or way of doing something
stalwart – loyal, committed
spearhead – to organize or lead something
champion – a person who enthusiastically supports, defends, or fights for a person, belief, right, or principle
risqué – daringly close to indelicacy or impropriety
uproar – a situation in which a lot of people complain about something angrily or make a lot of noise
diminish – lessen; weaken

True or False:

  1. Feminism is about fighting for equality of the sexes and protecting men’s rights.
  2. Emma Watson is not a feminist.
  3. Vanity Fair magazine doesn’t have a revealing photo of Emma Watson.
  4. Emma Watson thinks many people did not like her Vanity Fair photo because they don’t understand what feminism is about.
  5. Emma Watson headed a campaign that encourages men to be advocates of feminism.

Express your opinion:

  1. Would you still consider Emma Watson a feminist? Discuss.
  2. Is feminism active in your country? Discuss.
  3. Do you think men can be feminists? Explain.
  4. Do you think feminist movements are needed in your country? Discuss.
  5. How do you think would the world change if there was complete gender equality?

Defend your argument:

  1. “Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with.” – Emma Watson
  2. “Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings.” – Cheris Kramarae
  3. “A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.”  – Gloria Steinem