Trump tells Japan it can protect itself with US weapons

Pre-reading questions:

  1. Do you enjoy traveling abroad?
  2. What countries would you like to visit on your next trip?


  1. missile [noun] – a weapon thrown to strike something at a distance
    Everybody was worried about the missile attack.
  2. assure [verb] – to promise or tell something to someone confidently or firmly
    The governor assured the voters that taxes will be the same.
  3. counter [verb] – to oppose or stop something or reduce its negative effect
    He countered their proposal with a different suggestion.
  4. nuclear [adjective] – relating to a weapon with destructive power
    Nuclear weapons are a threat to all humanity.
  5. moreover [adverb] – used to add information
    It was a great show and,moreover, the actors were perfect.


United States President Donald Trump visited five Asian countries last November. Japan was one of the countries he visited. During his trip, he encouraged Prime Minister  Shinzō Abe to buy more military equipment from the US. President Trump said that if Japan does this, it can protect itself from North Korea’s nuclear threats. He also mentioned that it can improve the US’ economy and Japan’s security. Moreover, this can help build a stronger relationship between the two countries.


True or False:

  1. President Ronald Trump visited Japan in November.
  2. President Trump is selling military equipment to the US.
  3. North Korea is threatening Japan by using nuclear weapons.
  4. The US’ economy and Japan’s security will improve if Japan buys the military equipment.
  5. Japan was one of the countries that Prime Minister Shinzō Abe visited.