Steven Tyler opens Janie’s House

Pre-reading questions:

  1. Do you usually give money to the poor? Why or why not?
  2. Do you like helping the people around you? Please explain your answer.


  1. abuse [verb] – to treat someone in a cruel way
    Tom abused my friend.
  2. rehab [noun] – process of helping someone to give up drugs or any other unhealthy habits
    He’s better after spending time in rehab.
  3. campus [noun] – an area of a school or organization
    Aiko had a tour of the campus.
  4. therapy [noun] – a form of treatment for an illness
    Massage is a good therapy.
  5. victim [noun] – someone who has been hurt or harmed
    There were a lot of victims of the flood.

Steven Tyler, a famous singer, built a home for abused girls. He named it Janie’s House. He opened the home at Youth Villages’ Inner Harbour campus in Douglasville, Georgia. Tyler was inspired to open the home when he was in rehab. He met a lot of abused girls there. He added that he’s hoping to help the victims make their lives better through therapy.

True or False:

  1. Stephen Tyler opened Janie’s House.
  2. Janie’s House is in Douglasville, Georgia.
  3. Steven Tyler opened a home for abused boys.
  4. Steven Tyler was inspired to open a home when he was in rehab.
  5. Steven Tyler doesn’t want to help the victims.