Twitter begins “Advertising Transparency Center”

Pre-reading questions:

  1. What social media platforms do you enjoy using?
  2. What are the good points of using social media?


  1. scrutiny [noun] – careful examination of someone
    The council members were under scrutiny by the government.
  2. inappropriate [adjective] – not right for a situation
    Her inappropriate behavior during dinner was obvious.
  3. creatives [noun] – content or material of an advertisement
    The creatives used in the commercial was effective.
  4. interface [noun] – over-all look of an application
    Facebook’s new interface is easy to use.
  5. transparency [noun] – being made aware of what information is being collected
    Everyone should practice transparency in the office to avoid conflict.

Twitter is launching an Advertising Transparency Center. This is in response to a political scrutiny they’ve received recently over false information. Twitter users can now report advertisements and contents that they think are inappropriate. Moreover, users will be able to see the creatives of those advertisements and how long they’ve been running. The advertisements are specifically targeted to each user’s unique preference.

Twitter specially mentioned the role of political advertisements in the said transparency center. Twitter has created a new interface wherein users will be able to easily identify a candidate as there will be a special section on the center for political advertisements. It’s also focused on showing who the target audience is, how much a party spent on it, and other information about these political parties. The plan is to launch it first in the United States before going global.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. Why did Twitter come up with a transparency center?
  2. What can Twitter users do to inappropriate advertisements?
  3. Where will Twitter first launch the transparency center?
  4. What is the special section of the transparency center all about?
  5. What is the focus of the special section of the transparency center?

Express Your Opinion:

  1. How can we determine fake news from the real news?
  2. How do you feel about advertisements on social media?
  3. Do you think it’s necessary to have advertisements on social media? Please explain your answer.
  4. Do you think politics should be discussed in social media? Please explain your answer.
  5. What conflicts do you notice on social media nowadays?