Pre-reading questions:
- Do you like to follow trends? Please explain your answer.
- What trends is your hometown famous for?
- trend [trend]
- patron [PEY-truhn]
- subtle [SUHT-l]
- tone [tohn]
- profitable [PROF-i-tuh-buhl]
(noun) something that becomes accepted or fashionable
She teaches the latest trends in modern dance.
(noun) a regular customer of a store, restaurant, hotel, etc.,
This parking lot is reserved for patrons only.
(adjective) not bright or noticeable
I detected a subtle change in his attitude towards us.
(noun) the general style of something
I like the movie because of its dark tone.
(adjective) resulting in financial profit
Some of their new electronic products are highly profitable.
A special kind of masking tape called washi tape is becoming a trend in Kurashiki, Okayama. A washi tape is a sticky, thin, easy-to-tear paper that attaches two or more things. Masking tape makers in the area only produced and sold single-color masking tapes before. However, patrons of Kamoi Kakoshi Co. appealed to them to produce a variety of these Japanese paper tapes.
It started when Kamoi Kakoshi Co. customers used the tapes as book decorations. These customers requested for new and subtle tones after visiting their factory. The company decided against it at first because it did not seem profitable. After thorough research, Kamoi Kakoshi Co. started introducing a variety of styles, colors, and sizes of washi tapes to their customers in 2007.
Comprehension Questions:
- According to the article, what is a washi tape?
- Where did washi tapes originate?
- Who convinced Kamoi Kakoshi Co. to produce washi tapes?
- Why did Kamoi Kakoshi Co. initially decide against producing a variety of washi tapes?
- When did Kamoi Kakoshi Co. launch their product?
Discussion Questions:
- Would you buy washi tapes? Why or why not?
- Do you agree with Kamoshi Kakoshi Co.’s decision to produce and sell washi tape?
- Do you buy souvenirs when you travel? Discuss.
- Do you think customers can demand companies to improve their products? Please explain your answer?
- If you worked at Kamoshi Kakoshi Co., how would you market washi tapes to people?