Monthly Archive: June 2018
Ginmaku Cafe’s unique way of fighting dementia

Vocabulary: reminiscence /rem-uh-NIS-uhns/ [noun] to talk about pleasant things that happened in the past When we were younger, we would listen to our grandmother’s reminiscence of her gleeful childhood. retention /ri-TEN-shuhn/ [noun] continuing to keep something Your retention of facts seems to be going bad. induce /in-DOOS/ [verb] to cause a particular condition Consuming too much caffeine can induce palpitations and headaches. nostalgic /no-STAL-jik/ [adjective] feeling both happy and sad when you think about things that happened in the past Looking through our photos from the trip is quite nostalgic. curtail /ker-TEYL/ [verb] to reduce, limit, or stop something I’m going to have to curtail my spending from now on….
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Ginmaku Cafe’s unique way of fighting dementia

Pre-reading questions: What is the last movie you saw? Do you have a favorite cafe? Please tell me something about it. Vocabulary: patron /PEY-truhn/ [noun] a customer The patrons of this restaurant usually order the house special. prevent /pri-VENT/ [verb] to stop something from happening Wear masks if you want to prevent getting the flu. intellect /IN-tl-ekt/ [noun] the ability to learn and understand something, and to form ideas, judgments, and opinions It requires great intellect to understand his books. shorten /SHAWR-tn/ [verb] to make something shorter Your pants are touching the ground; you need to have them shortened. release /ri-LEES/ [adjective] to make a record or film available for…
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Ginmaku Cafe’s unique way of fighting dementia

Pre-reading questions: Do you like going to cafes? Why or why not? What is your favorite movie? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: dementia /dih-MEN-shuh/ [noun] common disease suffered by old people Her grandmother has dementia. memory /MEM-uh-ree/ [noun] ability to remember I failed the exam because I have a bad memory. loss /los/ [noun] not having something anymore The loss of her pet made her sad. treatment /TREET-muhnt/ [noun] something you do to cure a disease I’m getting treatments for my broken arm. staff /stahf/ [noun] the people who work for a company Restaurant staff must be nice. A cafe in Tsurugashima, Saitama shows movies to old people to fight…
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