Scientists have been developing greener forms of energy to fight climate change. At Keele University in the UK, they put hydrogen to the test to see if this fuel source is efficient. They called this hydrogen energy project, “HyDeploy.”

Keele University’s natural gas supply was mixed with 20% hydrogen. It was used by the university canteen to cook meals for the students. To get hydrogen in pure form, the water molecule (H2O) will be split into two parts: Hydrogen and Oxygen. A machine called “electrolyser” will divide the water molecule by using wind power, another clean source of energy.

The staff from the university canteen said that the 20% blend of hydrogen fuel did not affect their work. The gas distribution company Cadent, which is leading the project, said that if the 20% blend of hydrogen were to be used by the public, 6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions would be reduced. This is the same as taking 2.5 million cars out of the roads. In addition, the only by-product of burning hydrogen is water.

On the other hand, the disadvantages of using hydrogen fuel are cost and availability. It needs huge infrastructures and the fuel is more expensive compared to others. But in the future, the price will drop because it doesn’t contain carbon which raises the taxes on burning gases.

At present, hydrogen fuel might be too expensive for mass consumption. But its supporters still believe that it can be one of the main sources of fuel in the future. The good effects of using this technology will be greater than the negatives. More improvements for this fuel should be done so it could be a major source of fuel in the future.