Almost everyone is advised to wash their hands regularly since it is the most effective way to decimate microorganisms that could get inside your body and damage your immune system. But do you know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC considered smartphones as one of the “high-touch” surfaces that people come into contact with pretty much all the time? It could become contaminated with pathogens if not properly disinfected and a possible virus carrier. It is one thing to wash your hands appropriately, it is another way to sanitize your phones properly.

According to the series of tests done by the scientists, microbes could live on surfaces like plastics and metals for 48 to 72 hours. If someone’s hands are dirty, the virus could be directly transmitted to the phone when they touch it. That is why disinfecting phones properly is very fundamental to limit the spread of germs. If not, there’s a higher risk where pathogens just multiply in number instead of reducing it. So how do you sanitize your phone without damaging it?

Don’t use aerosol sprays directly to your phone. Don’t immerse your phone in cleaning solutions like bleach. If you still want your phone to function, you need to avoid moisture getting in. Gently rub your phone using wipes with 70% isopropyl alcohol. You can also use a clean, reusable cloth dipped in detergent and warm water to clean the lenses of your phone’s camera. Microfiber cleaning cloths and paper towels would work as well.

Essentially, turn your phone off and unplug the charger while cleaning. Wear throwaway gloves before you do the disinfecting procedure. Don’t forget to clean the phone case, too! Smartphone cases are also full of molds. And last but not the least, wash your hands rigorously once done. These simple steps could save your phone from being filthy and keep yourself safe from germs and bacteria.