The Forbidden City in Beijing, China turned 600 this year. The temples and city walls were turned to factories and schools, but the imperial palace still stands proud and strong. What historical and cultural value does it have?

The imperial palace complex is the largest in the world, covering 720,000 square meters of land. Its 10-meter high wall and 52-meter wide moat give off a powerful atmosphere, offering protection to the emperor and showing his rule over his people. The designs inside the palace consist of golden yellow tiles that represent the emperor’s connection to the sun, and the dragon symbolizes the power given to him.

For 600 years, the Forbidden City has survived natural disasters like fires and earthquakes, and even political conflict. Now, China chose it as the symbol of the country’s rich culture and history. The government has decided to invest on its restoration to preserve its value in the years to come. Will you visit the Forbidden City someday?