Are you in the present moment? Chances are, you have already heard of mindfulness, but do you know how to put it into practice? Diana Winston, director of mindfulness education at the University of California, Los Angeles, defines mindfulness as paying attention to our present experiences with openness and curiosity. Here are five techniques to help you start meditating:

1. Be aware of your breath
According to Amishi Jha, professor of psychology at the University of Miami, noticing your breath is the most fundamental practice in every mindfulness program. You can try it by turning your attention to the physical sensation of your breath, without trying to control your breathing for three minutes. You would certainly experience some distractions, when this happens, simply redirect your attention.

2. Do a body scan
We tend to neglect our physical sensations when we are in a difficult situation. Doing a body scan can help us return attention to our body. Patricia Rockman, director of education at the Centre for Mindfulness Studies in Toronto, described the process of a body scan as “placing, exploring, shifting.” This means putting your attention on one body part at a time — such as the soles of the feet — Then, shifting your attention to your ankles. Pause there, and repeat.

3. Listen to your surroundings
There is a misconception that in order to meditate, the conditions have to be right, but meditations, based on Rockman, are created for real-world conditions. Simply sit on a chair and set a timer for five minutes. Close your eyes and just hear what is coming and going.

4. Take a walk
Walking can also be a form of meditative practice. Rockman recommends being a small space, which could be a yoga mat on the grass. You can walk back along the path and try to direct your attention in a specific way.

5. Practice loving kindness
According to Travis M. Spencer, executive director of the Institute of African American Mindfulness, the loving kindness practice is affirmations that you say to yourself, to your family, and to your friends. In his 10-minute workshop, he encourages participants to quietly repeat the lines “may I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be filled with loving kindness.”

Along with meditation apps, trying the five techniques can help reduce stress and anxiety. The key is to keep doing it over and over until you are in the present moment.