Caroline Burgess-Pike loves attending concerts. She usually goes to two a year, including Glastonbury Festival in London. This year, the Kent PR director chose to attend Glastonbury Live. When in-person live events are canceled, she believes that live streaming is an efficient approach to fill in the gaps. They’re ideal for families with small children who might find it difficult to attend a festival. During the Covid pandemic, she explains, live streaming was essential to supporting the live music and event sector.

Sam Divine, a natural performer with a strong passion to perform music for people all around the world, DJed at the Defected Virtual Festival, which was held in a London megaclub without a crowd before any of the restrictions were put in place. She described the experience of being alone at the Ministry of Sound with only the techs, lighting men, and a few dancers as unique but special.

Due to the restriction, Sam was forced to DJ in her living room just days after the event. She experimented with a few different streaming platforms before settling on Twitch, which allowed her to engage with her viewers. She reported that the number of people that gathered in one chat room to watch their favorite DJs [during livestreams] was incredible. The community joined together and supported one another from all around the world. Sam thought it was “wonderful” and said she wouldn’t turn off the streaming once the Covid issues were resolved.