Young and old, almost everyone cannot resist having candies. They’re easy to purchase and consume, whether you’re at home, out working, or studying. But in Sweden, these scrumptious treats are only bought once a week.

Children at Stockholm’s Liljeholmen Square are often seen carrying a staple weekly accessory: a bag of loose pick and mix. Swedes are so used to buying and consuming candy on Saturdays that they have a word for it: lördagsgodis, which translates to “Saturday sweets.” The concept of lördagsgodis isn’t new, as it dates back to the 1950s. According to Sofi Tegsveden Deveaux, an author and professor on Swedish culture and values, Swedish medical officials began suggesting sweets as a once-a-week indulgence to limit rising incidences of tooth decay. Anyone wishing to unwind after the week will enjoy this penny candy, but lördagsgodis has a lot more to offer: it helps children think about weekly budgeting and feeds into a culture that promotes independence from an early age. When a Swedish child reaches the age of 16, the state stops paying child benefits to their parents and instead gives them the same amount as a study stipend, as long as they stay in school. “It’s quite a smooth transition from being given money from their parents to being given money by the state,” says Deveaux.

There’s no doubt that the lördagsgodis trend will continue, whether children are taught to budget using coins and notes or bank transfers and apps. Although treats aren’t especially healthy and should be enjoyed in moderation, they are something we simply love to have. And perhaps, we can learn more about budgeting, too, one piece of candy at a time.