In March, British renewable energy company Good Energy appointed six young people ranging in age from 12 to 17 to a new advisory board, with no adults permitted. This Good Future Board meets on a regular basis, providing members the chance to pitch ideas to the company’s CEO and other executives, as well as criticize corporate actions.

One of the board members is Shaina Shah, a 14-year-old Londoner. She is dedicated to environmental preservation and aspires to leave the world in a better state for future generations. “I feel that money should come first for adults,” she argues. “While young people may not always choose the most sustainable option, they have grown up in a culture where the effects of climate change are easily obvious.”

Shaina continues by saying that she and the other five members of the advisory board aren’t afraid to tell the adults when they believe they’ve made a mistake. They were picked after a competition organized by the environmental nonprofit Eco-Schools drew over 1,000 students from throughout England. Entrants were required to produce a 500-word personal essay answering three questions: “What inspired you to care for our planet?” “What skills or experiences you can bring?” And – “Do you have one idea for how a renewable energy company can do more to help protect the planet?” The six winners were described as “Incredibly passionate, insightful, and impressive“.