Scientists claim to have made significant progress in their attempts to store data as DNA molecules, which are smaller and last longer than other options. A chip built in Atlanta, Georgia, according to the researchers, might boost current DNA storage methods by a factor of 100. “The density of features on our new chip is approximately 100x higher than current commercial devices,” Nicholas Guise, a senior research scientist at Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), told in a statement. Hard drives, which are becoming increasingly used for storing computer data, can take up a lot of space and need to be updated over time. Huge amounts of data in small molecules can be stored by using DNA as the preferred storage device to back up valuable information. According to scientists, the data would last thousands of years. The error rate of DNA storage is higher than that of ordinary hard drive storage. GTRI researchers devised a mechanism for detecting and fixing these errors in partnership with the University of Washington.