A floating city with 20,000 residents is now being built in the Indian Ocean. The city is just ten minutes by boat from Malé, the Maldives’ capital. According to the architectural firm Waterstudio, it will have 5,000 floating units, including homes, restaurants, shops, and schools, with canals connecting them. The first units will be made public later this month. Residents are expected to start moving in early 2024, and the city will be finished by 2027. With its multicolored residences, spacious balconies, and coastline views, Waterstudio’s city hopes to attract locals. Residents will travel the sandy streets by boat, foot, bicycle, electric scooter, or cart. The Maldives is one of the most exposed nations to climate change. Eighty percent of the country’s land area is below one meter above sea level — and as sea levels are expected to rise by a meter by the end of the century, nearly the entire nation could be drowned. However, if a city floats, it might rise with the tide.