Can our minds, especially during difficult times, heal in the same way that our natural surroundings can? Let’s find out with the help of these books that can “re-wild” us.

“Once There Were Wolves” by Charlotte McConaghy
In the story, biologist Inti Flynn thinks that by putting the wolves back in their original homes, she will also be able to assist her twin sister Aggie in getting over the terrible events that forced them to leave Alaska.

“Birdgirl” by Mya-Rose Craig
The narrative explains how each observation of a bird is a step in the author’s journey to finding her own voice and in the difficult path her family has been through. Despite her mother’s bad mental health, she experiences a “”moment of peace”” when she discovers a new bird.

“The Great British Tree” by Mark Hooper
Hooper says that the Suffrage Oak in Glasgow was planted in 1918 in celebration of the Representation of the People Act. This was the first step toward giving women the right to vote in Great Britain.

Even if we don’t all want to go into nature, we may all feel refreshed in nature because of the happiness it seems to provide us every spring and summer.