It’s simple to believe you are an expert in all areas. Even though you feel like you know a lot, you usually don’t know as much as you believe you do.

If you believe yourself to be generally smart and educated, you could assume that you have a solid understanding of the principles that govern the universe and are familiar with the inventions and phenomena that we encounter on a daily basis. Think about this right now: How do rainbows form? Why can it be that wet days are colder than sunny ones? Next, decide if you are able to completely answer any or all of these questions. Or do you simply have a general understanding of everything going on in each situation? The majority of people, however, are confused when asked to provide a detailed response to each question, just like you might be.

Many of us live our lives totally unaware of this logical illusion and its consequences. The good news is that some psychologists think there might be some deceptively easy strategies for avoiding this common cognitive trap.