Losing a job is stressful and unpleasant. Still, some workers have found a positive side to layoffs.

In a December 2022 LinkedIn poll of over 2,000 US employees, 27% of those who were later let go stated that it was the best thing that had ever happened to them. Many people use this time to start their own businesses, find their dream jobs, or reassess how they combine work and life. Few people consider the benefits of being laid off. Because of our negativity bias, people are likely to think of incidents like being laid off as an intensely negative situation at first. However, layoffs can help us take a closer look at who we are. During this period of existential reorientation, the time and space they bring can help us understand who we are on a deeper, more meaningful level.

In the end, some workers have discovered that being laid off motivates them to go beyond their comfort zones. They have gained from and learned from losing their jobs.