Energy analysts allege that the world is transitioning from using fossil fuels to renewable sources of electricity. Energy production using fossil fuels is the biggest source of carbon emissions that cause global warming. Ember’s Global Electricity Review states that the rapid growth and development of renewable energy sources have caused the dwindling use of fossil fuels in producing energy. One instance that supports this is the 24% increase in solar energy generation globally. Clean energy sources such as solar, wind, nuclear, and hydropower supplied 39% of all the electricity produced in 2022, which meant less carbon emissions and cleaner electricity.

However, the demand for electricity exceeded the amount that these renewable sources could supply, prompting the need to use fossil fuels as well, resulting in higher carbon emissions. The expected rise in the use of solar and wind power in 2023 will hopefully help counter this rise. While the drop in coal emissions from power production this year is expected to be low, energy analysts see it growing steadily, especially with the global decrease in the use of gas in vehicles spearheaded by Brazil, which managed to cut its consumption by almost half. Additionally, China’s rapid growth in wind and solar generation could push renewables to topple fossil fuel use at last.