There is a type of diamond that is far more precious than its beauty or monetary worth. Super-deep royal diamonds, also known as “diamonds from hell,” offer an incredible opportunity for scientists to explore the mysteries of the Earth’s deep interior.

These diamonds are found at depths of at least 360 km below the Earth’s surface and contain mineral inclusions that can only be stable at such extreme depths. By studying these unique inclusions, scientists can unlock valuable insights into the composition, evolution, and seismic activity of our planet. Recent discoveries have been particularly exciting, such as the revelation that a super-deep royal diamond from Botswana contained a small amount of water that must have originated from the mantle. This discovery challenged long-held beliefs about the composition of the Earth’s mantle and has important implications for the origin of water on our planet.

In conclusion, super-deep royal diamonds hold a significant scientific value that goes far beyond their beauty and monetary worth. The study of these diamonds provides a rare window into the inner workings of our planet, helping us to better understand its history, present, and future.