A recent study has discovered important information about how being overweight affects the brain and overall health. The study, published in the journal Neurology, shows that obesity not only affects the body but also has serious consequences for the brain. People with higher body mass indexes (BMIs) have smaller brain regions related to decision-making, memory, and reward processing. These changes in the brain can lead to problems with thinking and an increased risk of diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s.

The study also found that obesity can make people feel less happy and more depressed and anxious. This shows that obesity has a negative impact on a person’s overall well-being. It is crucial to consider the mental and emotional health of people struggling with obesity. These findings highlight the urgent need to address the global obesity problem. Policymakers and healthcare professionals should develop strategies that focus on both the physical and mental aspects of obesity. By raising awareness about how obesity affects the brain and well-being, this study calls for action to prevent obesity and its harmful effects.