LICADHO, a group focusing on people’s rights, found some big problems in brick factories in Cambodia. The report talked about using waste from famous brands like Adidas and Walmart to save money on fuel. But this caused many health problems for the workers, like headaches, trouble breathing, and issues during pregnancies.

The report from LICADHO checked 21 factories in Phnom Penh and nearby places between April and September. They spoke with workers and found that burning old clothes was really dangerous. Other studies also talked about this danger. Brands like Primark and Lidl are looking into this issue, while Adidas promised to see if they are throwing away waste in the wrong way. They said they follow strict rules for the environment, sending waste to special places. But some groups, like WRAP, the Cambodian Ministry of Environment, and Sarom Trading Co. Ltd. have not said anything about this yet.