In the faraway Cyclops Mountains of Indonesia, scientists from Oxford University recently made an exciting discovery, finding a mammal lost for more than sixty years: Attenborough’s long-beaked echidna. This special creature, resembling a hedgehog with spines, an anteater-like snout, and mole-like feet, was spotted on cameras during a four-week expedition led by the team. Biologist James Kempton, part of the expedition, expressed joy and relief on the last day. The echidna, a unique member of the monotreme group that separated from mammals 200 million years ago, lays eggs. Scientifically documented in 1961, this shy, nocturnal species was hard to find. This discovery is culturally important in the region, as the echidna is linked to local traditions. Yongsu Sapari elders share a tradition where conflicts are resolved by sending one party into the forest to find the echidna and another to the ocean for a marlin. Locals believe finding both creatures signifies the end of conflict and a return to harmony. This rare find emphasizes the need for conservation and highlights the unique biodiversity in the Cyclops Mountains of Indonesia.