A recent study from the Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD) sheds light on how hidden viruses, such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), may increase the risk of premature death. Published in the medical journal Antiviral Therapy, the research utilizes the microcompetition model to explore why latent viruses like CMV, EBV, HPV, and HSV, detectable through a simple blood test, could be widespread and lead to health issues. Although these viruses often show no clear symptoms, they may silently contribute to organ failure, prompting questions about why some individuals develop latent virus-related diseases while others do not and why the onset of these diseases varies. The study suggests that the quantity of viral genomes in the body, known as the viral copy number, plays a crucial role, with higher numbers increasing the likelihood of developing a major disease sooner.

Dr. Hanan Polansky’s research highlights the role of latent viruses in health and lifespan. The study suggests that treatments like Gene-Eden-VIR and Novirin can control these viruses, potentially extending life and preventing major diseases. CBCD’s clinical tests show effectiveness against HPV, HSV, CMV, and EBV, published in reputable journals. In essence, addressing latent viruses is crucial for improving health outcomes and possibly extending life.