NASA in Houston, Texas, is currently conducting tests on Valkyrie, an immense humanoid robot standing at a height of 6 feet 2 inches and weighing 300 pounds. Valkyrie is built to work in damaged areas after disasters and might one day help in space missions. This type of robot looks like a person, having a head, torso, two arms, and two legs. Engineers believe that with the right programs, these robots can do tasks just like humans and use the same tools.

NASA’s Dexterous Robotics Team Leader, Shaun Azimi, stated that these robots could tackle dangerous tasks in space, such as cleaning solar panels or fixing broken equipment outside spaceships. This would let astronauts concentrate on exploring and discovering new things instead of doing risky work. According to Azimi, the goal is not to replace humans but to take on jobs that are dull, dirty, or dangerous. NASA is working with companies like Apptronik from Austin, Texas, to learn from robots developed for Earth. Apptronik is creating a robot called Apollo, meant to work in warehouses and factories by moving items around. They plan to start using these robots in early 2025. Apptronik’s Chief Technology Officer, Nick Paine, highlighted that Apollo can work for long hours and quickly swap its battery to keep working efficiently. CEO Jeff Cardenas mentioned that as Apollo gets better, it could move beyond warehouses to other places like retail or even unstructured spaces. NASA believes that robots like Apollo, which are adaptable and versatile, might eventually play a role in space missions after improvements and testing.