Russian astronaut Oleg Kononenko has achieved a remarkable feat in space, breaking the record for the longest time spent in orbit. He surpassed his colleague Gennady Padalka, as declared by Russia’s space organization, Roscosmos. Kononenko accomplished this milestone at 0830 GMT and is set to hit 1,000 days in space by June 5. By late September, he will have spent a total of 1,110 days in space.

Expressing his satisfaction from the International Space Station (ISS), where he circles Earth about 263 miles (423 km) away, Kononenko emphasized his deep interest in space exploration rather than chasing records. At 59 years old, he took over the record from Padalka, who spent 878 days, 11 hours, 29 minutes, and 48 seconds in space. Despite space challenges like weightlessness and time away from family, Kononenko remains devoted to his job. He discussed the difficulties of modern space missions and technological advancements. Kononenko’s journey began with childhood dreams, engineering studies, and astronaut training. His recent voyage to the ISS on a Soyuz MS-24 spacecraft shows ongoing US-Russia cooperation despite tensions.