A recent big storm hit South Africa, causing flooding at the Turtle Conservation Center in Cape Town. More than 500 baby sea turtles, mostly loggerheads, were washed up on beaches instead of making it to the ocean. This unexpected flood of turtles overwhelmed the center, which usually only deals with a few over several months after the hatching season. But because of the storm, conservationists had to act quickly. Talitha Noble-Trull, who heads the Turtle Conservation Center, is leading the effort. Volunteers and staff are working hard to take care of these young turtles, checking and treating each one, especially those that are injured, underfed, or sick.

However, there was another problem: plastic pollution. Many of the rescued turtles had swallowed small bits of plastic. This highlights how dangerous marine debris is for sea creatures. Even tiny pieces of plastic, as small as a fingernail, can harm them. Noble-Trull says turtles are like warning signals for the health of the oceans. When turtles encounter plastic, it shows how bad ocean pollution is. Conservationists care for them and share their stories to make people care about protecting oceans. They want to heal these turtles and let them go back into the ocean. Their journey reminds people why it is important to protect marine life and oceans.