In the scenic landscape of central Bosnia, a visionary businessman named Halim Zukic has achieved his dream of transforming Vincent van Gogh’s iconic painting, The Starry Night, into a nature park. Zukic, who hails from Visoko, purchased a piece of land along with a cottage in a nearby village two decades ago, though he initially had no concrete plans for its development. Six years ago, while observing tractors creating spiral-shaped wheel tracks in a meadow, Zukic was struck by how the patterns mirrored the swirling designs in Van Gogh’s 1889 masterpiece. This serendipitous moment of inspiration led him to embark on an ambitious project to recreate the painting in the form of a nature park.

Zukic dedicated years to meticulously designing and landscaping the 10-hectare park. He planted 130,000 lavender bushes in six different shades and added medicinal herbs such as sage, echinacea, and chamomile, arranging them in intricate circles and spirals to mirror Van Gogh’s famous brushstrokes. The park also features 13 lakes, which were created using the area’s natural streams, enhancing its tranquil and artistic atmosphere. Zukic, who personally oversaw all aspects of the landscaping, expressed that the experience of recreating The Starry Night deepened his appreciation for the challenges artists face in bringing their visions to life. Now complete, the Starry Night park is set to serve as a cultural landmark, with a focus on art programs and the promotion of central Bosnia’s rich cultural heritage.