Scientists have studied the DNA of the South American lungfish, a freshwater fish that lives in Brazil, Argentina, Peru, and other parts of South America. This fish, known as Lepidosiren paradoxa, is special because its DNA is like the first land animals that lived over 400 million years ago. The South American lungfish has the biggest DNA of any animal, about 30 times larger than human DNA. According to a study in the journal Nature, the lungfish’s DNA has grown a lot in the last 100 million years, adding as much DNA as one human genome every 10 million years. The lungfish has 18 chromosomes, and each one is bigger than the entire human genome. Most of its DNA, about 90%, is made up of repeated sections, which may have grown because the systems that usually control this repetition became weaker. The lungfish can grow up to 1.25 meters long and breathe using both gills and lung-like organs. This helps it live in places with little oxygen, like the Amazon and Parana-Paraguay River basins. This research gives us clues about how early animals moved from water to land.