George Clooney and Brad Pitt returned to a prestigious international film festival to present their new action thriller. During their appearance, the actors talked about their reunion for this project, the effects of streaming services, and Clooney’s recent article on leadership. Clooney highlighted the importance of selfless leadership and mentioned the difficulties of giving up power, praising a famous leader who managed to do it successfully. The film, which shows Clooney and Pitt as characters who must work together despite their differences, will first be shown in a few theaters before being released on a popular streaming service. Clooney disclosed that they accepted lower salaries to ensure the film would be shown in theaters, although the number of cinemas has turned out to be fewer than expected.

In their discussion about the changes in film distribution, Clooney pointed out that while streaming services are crucial and beneficial, the industry is still figuring out how to balance them with traditional theater releases. Pitt agreed, stressing the need for both types of viewing. The actors reminisced about their past work together, humorously commenting on their ages and their lasting professional relationship. Pitt noted that as he grows older, working with people he values has become increasingly important. The film’s director, known for a popular superhero series, had intended to attend the festival but could not because of illness.