At a recent awards ceremony, the historical drama “Shogun,” set in feudal Japan, won several top awards, including Best Drama Series and Best Actor honors. Hiroyuki Sanada made history by becoming the first Japanese actor to win this award, and his co-star Anna Sawai also received a major acting award. Both actors expressed their gratitude for the opportunity. In an unexpected outcome, the Best Comedy Series award went to “Hacks,” surprising many attendees, while “The Bear,” which was anticipated to win, received several acting awards. Richard Gadd, from the series “Baby Reindeer,” emphasized the significance of addressing challenging themes on television. The series, known for its serious subject matter, won several important awards. Jodie Foster won her first Emmy for Best Actress for a role in “True Detective: Night Country,” praising the collaboration with Inupiaq and Inuit contributors. Greg Berlanti was honored for his efforts in promoting LGBTQ representation on screen. The ceremony highlighted the growing influence of streaming platforms as traditional networks did not win any awards.