Pre-reading questions:
- What fruit do you wish your country could grow, and why do you think it would be beneficial?
- What possible effects of climate change could impact the crops or produce in farming?
- transparent /trans-PAIR-uhnt/
- harvest /HAHR-vist/
- absorb /ab-SAWRB/
- firmness /FURM-nis/
- frost /frawst/
[adjective] – allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen
The glass is transparent, so we can see the beautiful garden outside.
[noun] – the time of year when crops are cut and collected from the fields, or the activity of cutting and collecting them, or the crops that are cut and collected
The farmer was excited about the upcoming apple harvest this fall.
[verb] – to take something in, especially gradually
Plants absorb sunlight during photosynthesis.
[noun] – the quality of not being soft, but not completely hard
The firmness of the mattress made it comfortable for sleeping.
[noun] – a thin layer of ice that forms on surfaces when the temperature drops below freezing
There was a layer of frost on the car windshield in the morning.
Article reading:
This three-year study will look into the effects of the simulated 2040 climate on pear growth. Researchers are analyzing this year’s harvest at the Flanders Centre of Postharvest Technology. They are comparing pears grown in future conditions to those grown under current climate conditions, focusing on their size, firmness, and sugar content. Initial findings suggest that pears grown in warmer conditions are softer and sweeter, which may shorten their shelf life and hurt sales for farmers. Recently, Belgian pear production has declined by 27% due to unusual weather, including an early bloom and a late frost.
Comprehension questions
- Where is the unique experiment about pear farming taking place?
- What have scientists set up in the orchard to study climate change?
- What weather conditions are the scientists simulating for 2040?
- What is the main goal of the experiment regarding pear production?
- What factors are being compared between pears grown in future conditions and current conditions?
Discussion questions
- Have you ever participated in a science experiment or project related to the environment? If so, what was the project about, and what did you learn from it? If not, what type of environmental project would you be interested in joining?
- Have you ever visited a farm or orchard? If so, what was your favorite part of the visit? If not, what kind of farm would you like to visit someday?
- Do you agree with the idea that scientists should conduct experiments to predict the effects of climate change?
- What other long-term changes could climate change cause in nature besides its impact on farming?
- How can governments support farmers who are affected by climate change and extreme weather events?